15x15x10.5 mm
20x15x10.5 mm
low power high durable miniature OCXO
The МХО37 series uses the internal heating resonator (IHR) technology with arrangement of the whole oven system together with the crystal plate inside the TO-8 vacuum holder. Such approach results in radical reduction of the OCXO sizes, power consumption and its warm-up time providing at that excellent temperature stability, low phase-noise and aging. The MXO37/8D model utilizes essentially strengthened mechanical construction of the IHR enabling extraordinary mechanical durability.
Basic electrical parameters
Power consumption: <230 mW
DIP8 or DIP14 compatible sizes and pins-out
High mechanical shock durability: to 500 g 1 ms  shock
High durability to vibration: 30 g, 0-2500 Hz
Temperature stability: to 10 ppb in (-40 +85)⁰C
Aging: 0.5 ppb/day, 50 ppb/year
Phase-noise: -95 dBc/Hz@1Hz, -165 dBc/Hz floor
Operational frequency range: 8-100 MHz (fundamental mode)
Download full spec and ordering information
10 MHz20 MHz40 MHz100 MHz